
Alfons Mucha: Father of Art Nouveau and Proud Czech

Alfons Mucha: Father of Art Nouveau and Proud Czech

Alfons Mucha was an illustrator and the originator of the Art Nouveau movement. After being expelled from school for doing poorly, he decided to become a professional artist but still had trouble getting accepted by the Acadamy of Fine Arts in Prague, meaning he had to begin with a modest career. With the aid of a wealthy benefactor, Mucha worked as an illustrator in Paris, where he found his first lucky break when being commissioned to work on the commercial advertisement of Sarah Bernhardt’s Gismonda. This was the moment when his career prospects and celebrity skyrocketed.

Zdeněk Koubek: Competitive Sports and Gender

Zdeněk Koubek was a transgender track athlete who began his life fascinated by athletics, particularly after his family moved to Brno. He pulled his way up the sports ladder, beginning as a coach and instructor while training, breaking and setting national records, then winning two medals in the Women’s World Games. Koubek’s success, however, was met with doubt, as his androgyny caused the public to question the validity of his competitive success. The issues Zdeněk Koubek faced in the past reflects modern controversial topics in competitive sports.

Jan Kotěra: Founder of Modern Czech Architecture

Jan Kotěra was an important figure in Czech architecture for his use of modern elements in his works, earning him the title of “founder of modern Czech architecture.” Kotěra’s career began with the renovation of Červený Hrádek, using both neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau elements outside and inside, respectively. Despite being controversial in terms of culture and architectural style, Kotěra’s life and career continued in success, culminating in the creation of his 1913 “masterpiece” the Museum of Eastern Bohemia. Throughout his life, Jan Kotěra continued to create and build works of great architecture.

Karel Zeman: Czech Film Director and Animator

Legendary Czech film director, screenwriter, artist, and animator, Karel Zeman is known for creating fantasy and science fiction films. His first major breakthrough occurred in 1943 while participating in a window-dressing competition in Brno, where he accepted a job offer to work for the Bata Film Studios in Zlin. After that, in 1945, Zeman began work on A Christmas Dream, then directed his first feature film, The Treasure of Bird Island, in 1952. His work is illustrious enough for a museum dedicated to his work, the Karel Zeman Museum in Prague.

Capuchin Crypt

Founded in the 17th century, the Capuchin Crypt in Brno holds the natural mummified remains of 150 Capuchin brothers, 50 benefactors, a Roman noblewoman, and a famous soldier. Capuchin burials involved detailed records of not just the dead, but also the living, which also documented the history of the church itself. Unfortunately, people were occasionally buried alive due to coma or paralysis. There are other interesting aspects of the Capuchin Crypt, such as the tomb of Noblewoman St. Clementine or the thumb of František Baron Trenck.

Božena Hauserová (1914 - 2009)

Božena Hauserová was a lawyer turned CIA operative for the United States to help fight against Germany during the World War. She and her husband, Charles Lauwers, moved to the United States in 1941 after hearing news of the war, after which she enlisted, following her husband. In 1944, she participated in Operation “Sauerkraut,” where she’d spread rumors, provide fake orders, and pass around discouraging leaflets, all to spread propaganda among German soldiers. Her work was a success, being declassified after her death in 2009.

Jana Novotná: Czech Tennis Champion (1968-2017)

Jana Novotná: Czech Tennis Champion (1968-2017)

Jana Novotná was a young professional tennis player. She was born in Brno in 1968, becoming a tennis player in 1987, winning her first Olympic medal just one year later. After winning doubles and mixed doubles, she tried for singles 3 times and finally one at Wimbledon in 1998.

Ten Popular Breweries in the Czech Republic

Ten Popular Breweries in the Czech Republic

Ten small breweries in the Czech Republic that you should Czech out!

Remembering Libuše Šafránková

Remembering Libuše Šafránková

Beloved Czech actress Libuše Šafránková passed away on June 9, 2021. She starred in several well-known films, including the 1973 Christmas classic “Three Nuts for Cinderella”.