
Jan Kotěra: Founder of Modern Czech Architecture

Jan Kotěra was an important figure in Czech architect for his use of modern elements in his works, earning him the title of “founder of modern Czech architecture.”

The Bohemian Revolt: Defenestration and War

The decision in establishing an emperor’s successor would lead to a conflict that would spark the Thirty Years’ War. The Bohemian revolt initially started off in favor of the Bohemians, but it damaged diplomacy. Victory in this conflict for either side would hinge on the battle that would take place at White Mountain.

Czech Beer : A Brief History

Czech Beer : A Brief History

From the Brevnov Monastery to the modern-day Pilsner, the Czech people have been enjoying beer for over a thousand years. Known as the beer of tradition, Czech beer is ingrained into history itself.

George "Papa Bear" Halas

George "Papa Bear" Halas

The Chicago Bears and its Czech origins