World War 1

Milan Štefánik: Slovak Astronomer and Aviator

Many know the life and legacies of Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš, two Czechs who helped to found Czechoslovakia. However, there was a third person who played a very important role in the founding of the country: a Slovak named Milan Štefánik. Before he participated in the founding of Czechoslovakia though, he was first an astronomer and aviator.

Radio Revolution

Radio Revolution

Radio and its revolutionary effect on the world

Czech National Revival

A response to increased Germanization, the Czech National Revival revived Czech literature, language, history, and politics. Increased nationalism marked this period of cultural revival.

Czech Cubism (Cubo-Expressionism)

The term Cubo-Expressionism was coined in the early 1970s to describe Czech avant-garde art in the 20th century, when elements of Cubism and Expressionism were combined. It was a revolt from earlier art forms with spiritual elements.

Bertha von Suttner: the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize

Bertha von Suttner’s commitment to peace and anti-war movements created the building block to many significant changes in Europe. Unfortunately, the political figures and aristocracy she argued against ignored her warnings.

Hana Podolska: The "Coco Chanel" of Czechoslovakia

Hana Podolska was “the” fashion designer of the 1930s and 1940s in Prague. Her gowns and garments could be seen in well-known films worn by famous actresses, many magazines, and popular political figures.

Czech Beer : A Brief History

Czech Beer : A Brief History

From the Brevnov Monastery to the modern-day Pilsner, the Czech people have been enjoying beer for over a thousand years. Known as the beer of tradition, Czech beer is ingrained into history itself.

George "Papa Bear" Halas

George "Papa Bear" Halas

The Chicago Bears and its Czech origins