First World War

The Mullet: The Most Infamous Haircut of All

The Mullet: The Most Infamous Haircut of All

Thus, of all things to creep into 2020, the mullet– a fashion statement that’s typically reserved for the ‘80s and ‘90s regrets, jokes at the expense of Billy Ray Cyrus and Jerry Seinfeld, or a mugshot in a “Florida Man…” news article– reemerged from its cave.

The Golden Age of Hollywood and Czech Crystal

The Golden Age of Hollywood and Czech Crystal

In classic Hollywood films, beautiful women are swept off their feet by modern men who work hard to earn their place in society. The characters are well-defined, action-oriented tools of the narrative. But more than that, the actresses became celebrity icons of culture, parading in beautiful costumes and adorning their ornate homes with enviable things, including handmade imported Bohemian Crystal boudoir accessories and perfume bottles. You may recognize some of these paragons of classic American culture, including Liz Taylor, as they pose below with perfume bottles and crystal pieces on their vanities.