
Mordecai Maisel: Jewish Influence in Prague

Mordechai Ben Šemuel Maisel was a businessman, philanthropist, Jewish community head, and builder of Prague’s Jewish town during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. He established a successful banking business and several silver and gold mines in Bohemia. 

Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich

Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich

The Assassination of the Butcher of Prague

The Languages of Kafka

Czech novelist Franz Kafka was a man whose deliberate use of language would come to define key aspects of his life. Having known German, Czech, and Hebrew, these three represented the continuous struggle for identity he faced up until his death.

Cobblestones of Prague

Cobblestones of Prague

During the reconstruction of Prague’s tourist district, numerous cobblestones were found to be fashioned from Jewish headstones. This discovery had confirmed the long-held suspicion of the former communist regime