Holy Roman Emperor

The Hussite Reformation: Life of Jan Hus and the Church

In 1414, a Czech theologian named Jan Hus was called before the Council of Constance for heresy against the Catholic Church and Pope. Jan Hus had preached about the need to reform the corruption within the Church, desiring to adhere more to a more communal Christianity that he believed the New Testament spoke of, and for that he had been excommunicated numerous times. His life up to this point set the groundwork for the eventual history of the Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire to change forever.

Mordecai Maisel: Jewish Influence in Prague

Mordechai Ben Šemuel Maisel was a businessman, philanthropist, Jewish community head, and builder of Prague’s Jewish town during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. He established a successful banking business and several silver and gold mines in Bohemia. 

Charles IV: King of Bohemia and the "Romans"

Charles IV’s efforts helped to elevate the city of Prague to new heights, establishing it as the intellectual and cultural center of Central Europe. Yet, his reign was marked by political disagreements and failures to centralize the government.

St Wenceslas, Patron Saint of Bohemia

St Wenceslas, Patron Saint of Bohemia

The Reign of St Wenceslaus

Emperor Rudolf II: Prague's Patron of Arts and Science

Emperor Rudolf II: Prague's Patron of Arts and Science

Rudolf II, leader of the Holy Roman Empire, ruled from 1575-1612. His reign as emperor was nontraditional and he was well known for his patronage of arts and science.

Prague's St. Vitus Cathedral

Prague's St. Vitus Cathedral

Prague Castle is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the city. This complex is the largest in the world, and people from around the world visit to marvel at the site. Inside the castle complex lies St. Vitus Cathedral, the biggest cathedral in the Czech Republic and a wonder of Gothic architecture.

The Mystery of the Voynich Manuscript

The Mystery of the Voynich Manuscript

In 1912, a strange manuscript surfaced in the collection of an antique-bookseller. It is written in a language that is not found anywhere else, contains pictures of plants that can not be identified, and astrological charts that don't match any records. The text today is known as the Voynich Manuscript, and it has been called one of the most mysterious books in the world.