czech american

Celebrating Czech Heritage in America

Celebrating Czech Heritage in America

In 2019, over 2 million people in the United States reported being of Czech or Slovak heritage, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Many of these individuals are descendants of Czech immigrants that have developed their own unique culture that blends their Czech heritage with American traditions.

Koláče, Klobásníky, and Czech Cuisine

Koláče, Klobásníky, and Czech Cuisine

If you’re from Texas, you’re guaranteed to have tried kolache - a savory sausage wrapped in a roll of sweet dough. However, that name is misleading. A kolač (pronounced kolach) is actually a sweet pastry made of puffy dough with a fruit filling. Originally brought to the United States by Moravian immigrants, it’s now a widespread dessert and snack. The savory snack mistakenly referred to as kolache, is actually called klobasniky, and it has an interesting Texan origin.