
Celebrating St. Nicholas Day

Celebrating St. Nicholas Day

The Czechs have many unique cultural traditions. As we approach the holiday season, let's visit the tradition that kicks off Czechia's holidays, St. Nicholas Day.

Czech and American Carols

Czech and American Carols

As much as we might resist them, carols help create and spread a festive spirit. These songs are popular worldwide and have a long history that dates as far back as the 15th century.

Czech the News Tonight: Police Reform

Czech the News Tonight: Police Reform

Many American law enforcement officers know that the Czech Republic is famous for its breeding and training of police dogs. But there are reports that the Czech Police are considering some serious reform regarding their use of these animals.

Picasso's Legacy in Prague

Picasso's Legacy in Prague

It is well known that the city of Prague in the Czech Republic is home to some of the world’s most beautiful buildings. It is also home to a piece of Pablo Picasso’s legacy, one of the best-known representations of Cubist architecture in the world, the House at the Black Madonna.

Ice Hockey: One of the Czech Republic's Most Popular Sports

Ice Hockey: One of the Czech Republic's Most Popular Sports

If you were to name a country where ice hockey was a closely followed sport, the Czech Republic may not be high up on the list. But Czech teams have grown from humble beginnings to become some of the most formidable players in the world today.

The Mullet: The Most Infamous Haircut of All

The Mullet: The Most Infamous Haircut of All

Thus, of all things to creep into 2020, the mullet– a fashion statement that’s typically reserved for the ‘80s and ‘90s regrets, jokes at the expense of Billy Ray Cyrus and Jerry Seinfeld, or a mugshot in a “Florida Man…” news article– reemerged from its cave.

“Veselé Velikonoce!”, Unique Czech Easter Traditions

“Veselé Velikonoce!”, Unique Czech Easter Traditions

Learn more about Czech Easter traditions such as pomlázkas.

The Golden Age of Hollywood and Czech Crystal

The Golden Age of Hollywood and Czech Crystal

In classic Hollywood films, beautiful women are swept off their feet by modern men who work hard to earn their place in society. The characters are well-defined, action-oriented tools of the narrative. But more than that, the actresses became celebrity icons of culture, parading in beautiful costumes and adorning their ornate homes with enviable things, including handmade imported Bohemian Crystal boudoir accessories and perfume bottles. You may recognize some of these paragons of classic American culture, including Liz Taylor, as they pose below with perfume bottles and crystal pieces on their vanities.

Bohemian Glass Artistry

Bohemian Glass Artistry

Having a rich and extensive history of glass working, historical findings show evidence of glass processing in the Bohemia region at the beginning of the Christian calendar about 2000 years ago. Although Bohemian glass working experienced many revivals and declines, it has consistently remained revered in the international stage throughout the years.